Company Name: Nr1gonet - Novogradecz József
Company address: Ul. 8 Dywizji Wojska Polskiego 1/1 59–930 Pieńsk
International tax identifier: PL6152060620
We primarily serve our customers from Hungary, Germany, Austria and Poland, but of course also from other countries.
- IT services
- Translation
- Trade
We are currently only available to our customers by phone in German and Hungarian!
If you would like to contact us in another language, please use our email address.
Phone (in Hungarian): + 48-572-669-754
Phone (in German): + 48-572-669-754
We are not obligated or willing to participate in dispute resolution proceedings.
Under general and current law, we are responsible for the content of this website as a service provider.
However, as a service provider, we are not obligated to transmit, monitor or save information from third parties or investigate activity that indicates illegal processes.
The relevant obligations to remove and block used information remain unchanged under general law.
Liability in this regard will only depend on the date on which the potential infringement becomes specifically known.
If the relevant violation is demonstrably real and we become aware of it, we will remove this content as soon as possible.
The website we operate and their subpages contain links to external websites of third parties. We have no control over the content of these pages.
Therefore, we take no responsibility for third-party content.
The competent service provider or operator of the websites is always responsible for the content of the linked pages.
We've checked the linked pages for links when we link to them.
There are only links on our website that were not created with illegal content.
Constantly checking the content of linked pages for signs of specific infringement is unreasonable.
As soon as we become aware of a specific violation, we'll remove the links as soon as possible.
The content and work of these pages created by the website operator are subject to Polish copyright law.
The copying, processing, distribution of the website and its content (including the source code) (excluding the placement of a direct link to the website or content on other websites) in any form requires the written consent of the respective author or creator.
Third-party content is copyrighted.
We only share third-party content that is free to use with or without the author's or creator's name.
If you do become aware of copyright infringement, please let us know with the appropriate information.
If we become aware of a specific violation, we will process it immediately and, if possible, remove such content immediately.
Attention: The imprint of was compiled by us. If you believe any resemblance to your imprint or any of these generators is purely coincidental. Any use of this document (including any part of it) (copying, use on another website, saving) other than reading it is prohibited and will have immediate legal consequences unless agrees in writing.
Attention: Unauthorized use of private data contained in the Imprint will have immediate legal consequences.